Can I cancel my account with you anytime?

Yes, just email [email protected] 1 week in advance for cancellation requests.

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What kind of optimization do you do?

We optimize your server from kernel level to software like Apache, PHP, MariaDB, FTP, Exim, etc....

Are there any hidden fees?

No, there are no additional or hidden fees.

Is your management service proactive?

Yes! Once we notice your server is overloading or if there is a problem with your server, we...

If some services are down, should I submit a ticket or do you handle this automatically?

If some services are down, we will log in to your server right away and fix it. If the available...

Can you really fight spam? Am I 99% free from it?

Yes. With our own RBL system and spam configuration setup, your server will be spam-free 99%.